Monday, April 7, 2008

#22 my resolution...

I'll keep on trucking on my machine... Someday soon I'm going to get an i-pod and keep it in a pocket and work on it whenever I have free time. Talking, visiting, viewing, listening, poding, blogging, reading, singing....whatever!

#21 more social networks...

I know I'll join one or two later. Between music and librarians, there's a ton to talk about. Right now I have to start a website for a private non-profit group of teachers & retired teachers. I think I'll use TeacherWeb. If anyone knows anything about it, please comment. I can use all the help ---hope available.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

#20 Facebook & MySpace

Facebook is great with your friends. I can see both the friendliness and danger. MySpace has a great frontend with clear hookups to everything and everybody. I loved the YouTube of the Library of Congress. as they say....Log on and let the journey begin.

My groups would include music and education. Fishing and Boundary Waters if they exist. I know I would like to have all kinds of ClassB motorhome friends to share experiences.

Every library could have a frontpage on MySpace? (comment needed!) Every one I tapped seemed oriented toward teens. I have a friend on Facebook that made that comment almost immediately when we talked via ye ole telephone.

#19 Podcasts

Love everything live. Now if I could hook up a Boze speaker that would be the ultimate. My choices are MPR's Classical Notes and Carnegie Hall's Sound Insights.

Streaming media, in image and sound, will give you the world. Great if you have the time and inclination. Background music is wonderful.

You can experience anything anywhere!!!!

#17 ELM hmmmm...

These tools are great for research and we'd be in the dark ages if they didn't exist, but stability is needed in offering them. From the posts at 23... about this, not much works. Fortunately the databases inside ELM do work well and are dependable. These are one of the first places patrons and students must go to start their research for any project. Hopefully every publication will be accessible in every library someday.

#18 YouTube....

Well, here's my video....

My husband and I visited Jamestown and I read Dr. Kelso's 2nd book about the exploration of the newly-found fort. (He's working on a 3rd!) He came down to the dig to examine some part of a find while we were there. It would have been interesting to talk with him as they did here...
I love YouTube, but everyone has to remember "what they are doing will be shown and heard! Great for special programming and intriguing library commercials.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

#16 Research assistance...(I will return!)

Both of these have a ton of info and helps, giving the foundation processes for learning, processing, presenting, and evaluating. The Research Project Calculator has options for end products and "all on one screen links" that give the user more choices. Discussion, speech, or multi-media presentations could be added. All are valid schemes in today's world.

Librarians and teachers alike need to "assign" to everyone about these sites, so we don't re-invent the wheel. I wonder if it's a part of the "second life island"?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

#15 Gaming...

What fun! The main issue with this is the fun vs. time to do everything else in the world. The players do exist along with all the tech people behind the scenes. I don't think the gaming world is a major player in the libraries, but it's similar to old "boardgame nights"; a major portion of some of our patron's lives.

The library island is a fantastic place built for the tech participants and provides a great service, but also looks like it takes a ton of time to administer and supervise. Only special libraries can afford the expert staff or "student help" and all the parameters that can work this.